Official website
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EN - English
IT - Italiano
Fondazione Santa Maria Goretti Servizi alla Persona
Transparent Administration
General provisions
General acts
Code of conduct and code of ethics
Code of conduct and code of ethics
Code of conduct and code of ethics
Art. 12, c. 1, d.lgs. n. 33/2013
OpenData .csv
All items
MenĂ¹ sezioni
General provisions
Three-year plan for transparency and corruption prevention
General acts
Law references about organisation and activity
General administrative acts
Documents of strategic and management planning
Code of conduct and code of ethics
Consultants and collaborators
Personnel selection
Controlled entities
Activities and procedures
Tender notices and contracts
Grants, contributions, subsidies, economic benefits
Balance sheets
Real estate and asset management
Controls and findings on the administration
Services provided
Administration payments
Public works
Environment data
Other contents