Transparent Administration
All the documents required by the transparency legislation are published in this area, in particular by Legislative Decree 33 of 14 march 2013 and by Legislative Decree 97 of 25 may 2016
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Main sections
- General provisions
- Organisation
- Consultants and collaborators
- Personnel
- Personnel selection
- Performance
- Controlled entities
- Activities and procedures
- Tender notices and contracts
- Grants, contributions, subsidies, economic benefits
- Balance sheets
- Real estate and asset management
- Controls and findings on the administration
- Services provided
- Administration payments
- Public works
- Environment data
- Other contents
All sections
Below are the 75 sections provided by the regulation in alphabetical order.
- Other contents Accessibility, Data Catalog, metadata and databases
- Other contents Civic access
- Tender notices and contracts Compliances according to Law 190 of 2012
- Tender notices and contracts In-house Assignments
- Other contents
- Performance Total amount of the prizes
- Organisation Articulation of the offices
- Grants, contributions, subsidies, economic benefits Grant acts
- Public works Public works planning acts
- General provisions General acts
- Activities and procedures
- Tender notices and contracts Pre-information notices
- Tender notices and contracts Pre-information notices before PNA2022
- Tender notices and contracts Notices and Announcements
- Tender notices and contracts Notices and Announcements before PNA2022
- Tender notices and contracts
- Tender notices and contracts BDNCP and further information
- Real estate and asset management
- Balance sheets
- Balance sheets Budget
- Real estate and asset management Rent
- Services provided Charter of services and quality standard
- Services provided Class action
- Consultants and collaborators
- Personnel Collective bargaining
- Personnel Supplementary bargaining
- Controls and findings on the administration
- Controls and findings on the administration Court of Auditors
- Services provided Costs accounted for
- Grants, contributions, subsidies, economic benefits Criteria and modalities
- Performance Prize data
- Administration payments Payments data
- Other contents Other data
- Personnel Former managers
- General provisions
- Personnel Human resources
- Tender notices and contracts Official Lists of Recognized Economic Operators and Certifications
- Controlled entities
- Controlled entities Private controlled bodies
- Administration payments IBAN and electronic payments
- Personnel Tasks conferred and authorized to employees (executives and non-executives)
- Personnel Position of general manager
- Administration payments Payment timeliness index
- Environment data
- Tender notices and contracts Individual procedures data in table format
- Services provided Waiting lists
- Public works
- Controls and findings on the administration Administrative and accounting auditing bodies
- Organisation
- Controls and findings on the administration Supervisory Body with the functions of Independent Assessment Body
- Administration payments
- Real estate and asset management Property assets
- Performance
- Personnel
- General provisions Three-year plan for transparency and corruption prevention
- Other contents Corruption prevention
- Tender notices and contracts Public Investment Projects
- Tender notices and contracts Planning of works, services and supplies
- Balance sheets Measures
- Controlled entities Graphic representation
- Tender notices and contracts Financial Management Reports of Contracts at the End of Their Execution
- Organisation Penalties for lack of data communication
- Personnel Penalties for failure to communicate data
- Personnel selection
- Services provided
- Services provided Web services
- Controlled entities Investee companies
- Grants, contributions, subsidies, economic benefits
- Personnel Absence stats
- Organisation Email and phone addresses
- Public works Times, costs and indicators of public works realization
- Activities and procedures Type of proceedings
- Consultants and collaborators Holders of collaboration or consulting assignments
- Personnel Holders of executive positions (non-general)
- Organisation Holders of political, administrative, management or government offices